We barely recovered fully from the Open Dutch 2023, and the preparations for 2024 have already begun. The event is scheduled for Saturday the 27th of January 2024, and the venue is the same! Make sure to mark your calendar for that date, and we hope to welcome each of you back at the event again. When we have more news we will share it with you, and of course, we will also provide an update when we have the official invite with all the details about the competition.
Open Dutch 2023 – The Photos!
What a weekend! We are all dead tired, but it was worth all the effort. It was great to see each and every one of you, and it was fantastic to see so many high-level matches. Friday afternoon the organization started with building out the tournament area and we finished around 23:00. Saturday morning around 06:30 the first people were already at the sports hall, and soon after the weigh-in started. The last match finished around 19:00, after which a large crew of volunteers immediately started tearing down the tournament setup so that the sports hall was available for use again on Sunday morning. We finished the evening around 22:00 with some well-deserved cold beers!
Many of you have probably seen various photographers walking around, and several of these photographers publicly shared the pictures and links with us, see if you can find yourself, share the photo(s), and make sure to either tag the Open Dutch, or add the OpenDutch2023 hashtag!
- Duncan Epping – Official Open Dutch Facebook Page
- Jurgen Spierings – Google Photos
- Rob Batenburg – Google Photos
- Carlo TerBurg
Preparations: https://photos.app.goo.gl/xEpv2cMR5VBFSjLu6
Rectification: Weigh-in on Friday starts at 17:30
We are a few days out from the tournament, and we hope everyone is as ready as we are! We want to remind everyone that you will need to bring a signed copy of the DECLARATION OF CONSENT including concussion form to the tournament. Starting with the Open Dutch 2023, it is now mandatory to fill out this form and bring a printed copy of the form to the verification/weigh-ins! Yes, this applies to everyone who wants to participate, regardless of age. If you are a minor, your parents (or legal guardian) will have to sign the agreement as well.
Secondly, the weigh-in on Friday starts at 17:30, and not at 16:00 as was mentioned in the invite. If you are in Helmond on Friday, please weigh in to avoid long queues on Saturday! On Saturday the weigh-in is between 07:15 and 8:45. The competition will start at 9:15, and considering the number of attendees we will start on time.
Lastly, we want to share that we appreciated the support from everyone around the world. We have been pleasantly surprised with the number of registrations. Some facts: 1200 registrations, 641 competitors, 88 teams, coming from 18 different countries. How amazing is that?
We hope everyone is ready to go and well-prepared, we can’t wait to get started and see everyone this weekend in our hometown, Helmond!
Happy Holidays!
We hope everyone is enjoying their well deserved time off during the holiday season, but some of you may also still be training to prepare for the upcoming Open Dutch! If you haven’t registered yet, make sure to do so before the 17th of January! We hope we will see all of you at the event, and we hope you have a wonderful holiday break and enjoy the time off!
Health insurance, concussions, and data protection form, mandatory to participate!
We have just uploaded the DECLARATION OF CONSENT including concussion form to our website. Starting with the Open Dutch 2023, it is now mandatory to fill out this form and bring a printed copy of the form to the verification/weigh-ins! Yes, this applies to everyone who wants to participate, regardless of age. If you are a minor, your parents (or legal guardian) will have to sign the agreement as well.