Photos, photos and more photos…

As many of you’ve seen over the course of the past couple of days photos started to appear on our Facebook page. We received various other links to photos from the event which we wanted to share with you. I am sure each and everyone of you is eager to spot him/herself, so without further ado:

If anyone else has pictures to share, please leave a comment with a link! We would like to thank all photographers for their hard work and excellent pictures.


Results are online, and we know the date for 2018!

Here they are, all the results of the Open Dutch 2017! The overall tournament winner for the blackbelt division was ITF Norwegian and for the colored belts it was Taekwon-Do team Vrijsen / van Buel Sport from the Netherlands. Thanks everyone for competing and making it another successful event, and thanks all referees and volunteers. Without you it would not be possible to organize an event like this.

We’ve felt that with the new setup of the rings and the opening between the 2 halls the event went a lot smoother, we hope that you felt the same but we will make sure to ask all teams/coaches for feedback in the upcoming week or so. We are already working on our plans for the 2018 edition, and I can already share with you the date, which is Sunday 28th of January. Please put it on your calendar, as we hope to see everyone again next year for another edition of the Open-Dutch.

For those wondering, the photographers are sorting through the pictures as we speak, and we expect we will have the first batch online later today or tomorrow. Those will be made available through Facebook and on this website, so check back regularly


Referee schedule and assignments

Here is the official referee schedule and assignment. Please download the file and look at which field you are assigned and in which role. Note that after Patterns the field assignment and role for some of the referees may change during the day, this will be incidentally however.

On behalf of head-referees Master Coos van de Heuven and Sabum Emiel Kloor

Yes, we have “Winner” shirts again for Black Belts!

Just received the question if we have those cool “Winner” shirts again for the black belts who win their respective category/class. And the answer is: yes we do! We think they look great again and hope to see plenty of selfies flying by of people proudly wearing it.

The shirts are provided by Print Station, who will also have their with their own booth during the tournament. So if you want a nice custom shirt / hoodie etc, make sure to stop by!