The Draws have been posted online

Want to know who you are going up against and what your group looks like? Well then it is your lucky day, last night we placed the draws online. So go to the following Sportsdata page to find your group and the associated draw:

We would also like to ask the coaches to instruct their competitors to pay attention to the schedule, with over 600 competitors we don’t have the luxury of waiting for competitors to show up, so please make sure to be at the ring on time to compete!

Details for the Early Weigh In on Saturday!

On Saturday there will be the option to weigh in (and height check) for those who are already in the area. We would recommend everyone who can to do this as it will help decrease the load/rush on Sunday. The weigh in is in the venue itself in a room called “Kubuszaal”. It is open from 16:00 until 19:00. With over 600 participants it will be crucial to get many of you done on Saturday.


Free Parking on Sunday for Open Dutch visitors

If you come by car, there’s the option to park the car right under the venue. The parking garage, normally paid parking, will be open for Open Dutch visitors and will be free of charge. If the parking is full, please use the Food Tech Brainport parking, this will also be open for Open Dutch visitors and free of charge. There will be signs guiding you to the location, but just in case: drive past the Food Tech Brainport building and take the first road to the left!

See you Sunday,

Train to Helmond

Those preparing their travel to the Open Dutch in Helmond, it is possible to take the train from Eindhoven or from Schiphol to Helmond. The Dutch Railway website is: When you enter the dates and the locations (pick train station “Helmond”) then you can provide a time and it will provide you a time table when you click “plan”. A one-way ticket from Schiphol to Helmond is € 21.10. An example of the fields you need to fill out can be found below.

For those traveling with larger groups, note that there’s also an option to buy a group ticket, this only works with a group of 4 or larger. But does provide a relatively low fair, note that these can’t be used during rush hours. The people in the group all need to travel together at the same time, and the ticket can only be bought online, with 4 people the ticket will cost 7.50 per person. More details can be found here: