Invitation to the Open-Dutch 2018

Dear instructors and students,

It is that time of the year again, almost time to register for one of Europe’s best ITF taekwon-do tournaments, the Open Dutch. January the 28th is the date, make sure to put this in your calendars. As mentioned before, we moved the event to our hometown Helmond. Still very close to Eindhoven airport (22 km) though. At the new location we are able to have between 8 and 10 squares, but all of this in a single sports hall. Making it for competitors and coaches a lot easier to see other matches and get the full Open Dutch experience! We have already received various commitments from different countries and teams that they will participate again. We expect a high quality event with once again the best taekwon-doka’s from all over the world. Open Dutch is organized in cooperation with ITF-Netherlands and is part of the Master Series. We will use the electronic scoring system and registration from Sportdata. Visit this website frequently as we will be updating it more regularly the closer we get to the tournament. We just added the invitation to the Invitation & Registration page, but also place it here for your convenience:


Please note that this year, we will have a power-breaking competition as well as an overall sparring class in different divisions. Registration will open up on the 1st of December and we hope to welcome many of you on the 28th of January and are looking forward to a great tournament.

4 minute walk, 4 months to get ready!

4 minute walk from the train station to the venue, 4 months to get ready for the tournament. We are working hard to ensure we are well prepared, are you?! Hope to see some of you this week at the World Championships in Dublin.

Preparations for 2018 Open Dutch have started

We had our first official meeting with the Open Dutch team last week, which means that you can expect to see an uptake in news on our website. We just started updating various pages, like for instance the hotels and the venue. As mentioned before, this year the tournament will be held in the home town of Difesa Sports: Helmond. We found a great venue which has a hotel attached to it (City Resort Helmond), for more details and a booking code look on the accommodations page, and also for an alternative suggestion for those who prefer to stay in Eindhoven!

We also just received the poster for this edition, and we just added a new banner to the website. We hope you guys are as excited as we are and we hope to see many of you the 28th of January!

Photos, photos and more photos…

As many of you’ve seen over the course of the past couple of days photos started to appear on our Facebook page. We received various other links to photos from the event which we wanted to share with you. I am sure each and everyone of you is eager to spot him/herself, so without further ado:

If anyone else has pictures to share, please leave a comment with a link! We would like to thank all photographers for their hard work and excellent pictures.


Results are online, and we know the date for 2018!

Here they are, all the results of the Open Dutch 2017! The overall tournament winner for the blackbelt division was ITF Norwegian and for the colored belts it was Taekwon-Do team Vrijsen / van Buel Sport from the Netherlands. Thanks everyone for competing and making it another successful event, and thanks all referees and volunteers. Without you it would not be possible to organize an event like this.

We’ve felt that with the new setup of the rings and the opening between the 2 halls the event went a lot smoother, we hope that you felt the same but we will make sure to ask all teams/coaches for feedback in the upcoming week or so. We are already working on our plans for the 2018 edition, and I can already share with you the date, which is Sunday 28th of January. Please put it on your calendar, as we hope to see everyone again next year for another edition of the Open-Dutch.

For those wondering, the photographers are sorting through the pictures as we speak, and we expect we will have the first batch online later today or tomorrow. Those will be made available through Facebook and on this website, so check back regularly
