First pictures online Open Dutch 2016

The first batch of pictures have just been published online. They have been uploaded to both our facebook page and to flickr so that you can use what you want and download the pics in full resolution if desired. There are some great action pictures in there, and we are certain that many more pictures will soon be posted, when they are we will let you know. Thanks Duncan Epping for taking these pics and processing them this fast!


Results of the Open Dutch 2016

ResultsHere they are, all the results of the Open Dutch 2016. The tournament winner for the blackbelt division was Rivervally Taekwon-Do club from Ireland and for the colored belts it was Taekwon-Do team Vrijsen / van Buel Sport from the Netherlands. Thanks everyone for competing and making it another successful event. We hope you enjoyed yourselves, and we expect to upload hundreds of pictures of the event in the upcoming days, so make sure to check here regularly!


Want to know who you are going up against?

As requested by many, here is the official schedule and draw for the different categories and classes for upcoming Sunday. It includes the full competitors list that has a column where each competitor will need to be around which time. Note that changes in the schedule may occur and competitors may be called upon sooner or later, so please pay close attention during the day.

Print them as desired, and bring them with you and be on time so we can run this competition as efficient as possible. See you Sunday!

Height check / weigh-in possible on Saturday at 18:30!

For those arriving early this weekend for the Open Dutch, it will be possible to do the height check / weigh-in possible on Saturday evening at 18:30! (Please note that this is possible until 20:30) With close to 600 participants we are expecting it to be busy on Sunday morning, so anyone who is capable of doing the weigh-in and height check on Saturday evening, please stop by in Sports hall “Naestebest”, Prinses Beatrixlaan 27!